Posts Tagged ‘equal rights’

Minnesota Bishops send anti-gay hatred in the mail: 800,000 pieces of hate to be exact

Under the “tasteful” language of “defend marriage,” the Bishop of Winona, Minnesota is leading the effort involving the mailing of 800,000 DVDs to Minnesota’s residents to “protect marriage.” Whose marriage are they protecting? Last time I checked Bishops were celibate men! Oh, that’s right, the Church feels that it has the authority to dictate what is right for our society. Well, neither here nor there, the fact of the matter is that these DVDs spew hatred. The notion that the Bishops of Minnesota of the million+ dollars that will be required to produce and mail the DVDs is shameful!

The fact that someone made a “large donation” to support this campaign is truly disgusting. The million+ dollars that were likely donated could have supported soup kitchens, mission projects, youth programs, etc., but instead are being wasted on an anti-gay hate campaign. The Bishops of Minnesota should be ashamed that they have failed to live up to the words of Christ and that have they have walked away from their commitment to their community.

Thankfully, the HRC responded to the planned campaign by issuing the following statement:

There is a difference between civil marriage, that is marriage under the law, and marriage in the religious sense. If marriage equality becomes law in Minnesota, no church would be forced to recognize any marriage they do not agree with. This is a matter of basic equality under the law and has nothing to do with religion. This is a matter of fairness.

Read about the “waste of money” online at Chicago Pride.

Shirtless Angels greet the Pope

Angel protesters that greeted Pope Benedict XVI in England.

Angel protesters that greeted Pope Benedict XVI in England.

Towleroad and The Advocate are proselytizing in a way we here at QfN have never seen before… just kidding!

However, The Advocate and Towleroad both features postings about the angels that greeted Pope Benedict XVI in Twickenham, England at St. Mary’s University. The Advocate shared the following about the angel protest:

According to London’sTelegraph, guests coming to see the pope were met by three men wearing gold wings, Speedos, and nothing more. The men told the crowd they were pushing for the church to be more accepting of gay people.

Read more on Towleroad or The Advocate about the angels.

Is Carly Fiorina a liar? Fiorina deceives public regarding her pro-life position.

Carly Fiorina

Posted by Brother Q @ Queer Faith News

The race for the U.S. Senate in California is heating up and the choice between Barbara Boxer and Carly Fiorina truly offers polar opposites for California’s voters. In reading about Ms. Fiorina in the news today, I decided to checkout her website to learn more about her positions on various issues. When you go to her “On the Issues” page, it lists an array of issues ranging from the economy to health care and even the environment. At first glance, I thought “Wow, isn’t this great. Finally, a candidate that does not focus on social issues!” I definitely came to that conclusion too soon!

As I scrolled down to the bottom of the page, there is a link that reads “Learn More About Carly’s Views On Other Important Issues.” I started to wonder what these “other important issues” could be. Once you travel the “hidden passageway,” I mean link, to the page with the “other important issues,” you find all of those exciting social issues that conservatives love to make a big deal out of. As an aside, something has come to amaze me – conservatives complain that I rub my sexuality and “lifestyle” in their faces, yet I hear more about my sexuality from conservatives than anyone else. Maybe I should start talking to myself in the mirror each morning about my sexuality — maybe then I’ll understand how they claim to feel! Neither here nor there…

Sure enough, Carly’s hidden “agenda” includes issues such as gay marriage, which includes a statement supporting Proposition 8. Although I would love to challenge the candidate’s position on defining marriage as being between a man and a woman, what I find most startling is her pro-life position. To no surprise, Carly states her support for the pro-life movement; on the hidden agenda page, it states:

Carly believes that life begins at conception; she is pro-life.

So Carly Fiorina is “pro-life”… or is she? After reading through a few other positions including her views on gun owners’ rights and marriage, she states her support for the death penalty! Not the life penalty, but the death penalty. Wait a minute, I thought that Carly was pro-life?! I guess she’s only pro-life if we dance around the meaning of the word “life.” I’m confused, how can you be pro-life, but support the death penalty? If you are pro-life, that means that you support life from conception through natural death. There should be no asterisks to the pro-life position.

A screenshot featuring the notorious link to the "hidden agenda" on Fiorina's website.

According to Ms. Fiorina’s campaign website:

Like most Americans, Carly supports the death penalty for our nation’s worst murderers. Unfortunately, its effective implementation in California has been frustrated in large part by judges from the Ninth Circuit who have substituted their ideology for the considered judgment of the lower courts. Carly believes our nation’s leadership should have no patience for judges who abuse their discretion when it comes to settled law, as has occurred in this case.

I’m curious where the justification for the phrase “Like most Americans” comes from. Fiorina’s campaign team probably should have reviewed the views of her own state’s residents before assuming that Californians would comfortably be lumped with “most Americans.” According to a recent poll, only 41% preferred the death penalty as punishment for murder compared to 42% favoring life without parole… next time, do your homework Ms. Fiorina.

Those who support the death penalty are NOT pro-life candidates. Those who purport to be pro-life candidates are merely politicizing a woman’s right to choose while playing God in their support of the death penalty. If you want to be a pro-life candidate that’s fine, but don’t lie to the voters. Don’t tell them your pro-life and then two paragraphs later present your “justification” for supporting the death penalty.

Ms. Fiorina, you call yourself a Christian? Shame on you. Christianity is not a religion of death, it is a religion of life. No human being’s life should be controlled by another person nonetheless the government.  Ms. Fiorina you do not have the power to determine when the life of another human being should end.

Ms. Fiorina, don’t hide your position on social issues on some hidden page on your website. Put your positions out in the open so that the people of the great State of California are aware of the fact that you are not telling the whole story. Tell the people of California that you are not pro-life; tell the people of California, that you believe the state has the power to kill someone, but that you don’t believe a woman should have control over her own body. Who are you Ms. Fiorina? You sound like a fascist to me… and I think you are a tad confused about the meaning of “life.”

Now I’m going to go and talk to myself about my sexuality in the mirror… ah, what the hell, I’ll save that for another day; after all, you and the conservatives have been rubbing my sexuality in my face all day.

Brother Q at Queer Faith News

Disclaimer: The above editorial is by a member of the QfN staff and is not presented as a news article, however, it is highly dependent on factual evidence as presented in the article.

Should the government get OUT of the marriage business?

Andrew March presents a powerful challenge for the U.S. government — get out of the marriage business. March begins his argument in favor of the implementation of civil unions for all by stating:

Even the pious will come to appreciate that they are not harmed in any real way by homosexuality — gay sex (and marriage) is not sex done unto them. (Cue the Ted Haggard jokes.) Poll after poll shows that the arc of history is bending towards increased acceptance of homosexuality and thus of same-sex marriage.

This couldn’t be more true. We know that people across the country are realizing that gay marriage is the civil rights struggle of our era.

I agree with March that when the day comes that our nation recognizes the validity of a union between two people of the same-sex, it must be equal to whatever title is afforded to heterosexual couples. With that in mind, I concur with Andrew March when he presents the question of whether it would be in the interests of society to remove marriage from government-control and instead implement civil unions for all. This would allow individual religions to determine their “guidelines” regarding marriage, but would ensure that in the eyes of civil law, all are equal.

What are your thoughts?

God to anti-gay hatemongers: “Do I know you? For you, do not know me”

Today, I read an article on in the Salt Lake City Tribune titled “Anti-gay hatemongers aren’t doing God’s work.” The article is largely a discussion regarding the Westboro Baptist Church led by the Rev. Fred Phelps. The article’s author, Corey Hodges, explains:

There is no biblical defense for Westboro’s hateful message and insensitive demonstrations. The group’s philosophy and approach are riddled with contradictions. Westboro cannot truly believe in the Bible, which speaks of God’s love, mercy and grace. Jesus vehemently opposed earthly agents of condemnation. He said, in Matthew, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged. … Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye.” Westboro’s hate is a huge plank.

Hodges, a Baptist pastor himself, explains that although the Westboro Baptist Church and its leader have a First Amendment right to the freedom of speech (and to and from religion – I would add), he reminds us:

While Westboro’s actions may be not be illegal, they are immoral and unethical. People of faith must remember that the law cannot be the sole decider of behavior.

In reading the editorial by Rev. Hodges, I feel forced to ask: “What is hate?” and “How is hate manifested in our society?” We need only consider how the United States has responded to Muslims in America and to GLBT Americans to understand how hated is manifested. Hate is a powerful word and as such, is often masked behind other words:

  • Some may argue that they speak out against Islam because they feel it is “of the devil.” This is hate.
  • Some may argue that gay relationships are abominable in the eyes of God and that they love gay people, but they do not love “the sin.” In fact, the mantra goes “Hate the sin, love the sinner.” This is hate.
  • Some may argue that it is “us” against “them.” This is hate.

As a society, we have to stop blanketing hate; we have to stop accepting synonyms for hate, because by such we exercise a silence that allows hate to continue to raise its ugly head in the halls of Congress, behind the guise of a pulpit, and in the words of men of our age who claim to be speaking for God. We must stand and speak in one voice in declaring an end to hate.

When President Obama gave his speech last week declaring an end to military operations in Iraq, I couldn’t help but pray for the day that we may have a similar cry for justice, a similar declaration for the end of hate. We are all called to be prophets of our time by living a life that seeks to be void of hate. We must respond to hate with love, a love that does not judge.

I can only imagine what God might say to those who spew hate: “Do I know you? For you, do not know me.”

Focus on the Family says Upward Bound promotes homosexuality

Focus on the Family attacks anti-bullying legislation efforts yet again and this time they have their eyes on Upward Bound, a federally-funded program for at-risk teenagers. THV 11 News reports that:

Ariel Henderson, Upward Bound member says, “It’s really, really awesome to see that something we started has gone this far and has made a change in people’s hearts and lives.”

So why is Focus on the Family opposed to the legislation?

That’s because Focus on the Family, a conservative Christian group based in Colorado, says gay advocacy groups are using programs like this one to push homosexuality on to students.

Candi Cushman with Focus on the Family says, “We feel like we can teach kids the things we share in common as Americans without letting the issue be politicized and sexualized unnecessarily and being divisive.”

Sexualized? Politicized? How is protecting students and ensuring a safe learning environment sexualized or politicized? That doesn’t even make sense. New York State just passed the Dignity for all Students Act and nothing about it is politicized or sexualized.

The reality is, that schools are meant to be environments where students learn not a place where students should fear their peers. We are in need of a national law that protects the right of all students to an academic environment that ensure their safety and an environment that is conducive to learning.

Dr. Mirus argues homosexuality is an example of the “deficiencies, defects and disorders” that humans encounter

Dr. Jeff Mirus

Dr. Jeff Mirus, President of Catholic Culture

It is of course to no surprise that Catholic Culture features an article that attempts to paint homosexuality as a deficiency, defect, and disorder. Wait! Deficiency? Defect? Disorder? Are you serious Dr. Mirus? Lets look at each of these “descriptive” words in some depth:

A deficiency refers to a lack of something. What are gay and lesbian people lacking? Ah, that’s right equality. Okay, so far I agree with your observation.

A defect refers to a shortcoming, a lack, or imperfection. Yes, on this descriptive word regarding homosexuality, I must agree. I am sure that you apply this word as it applies to the anti-gay laws that exist in particular states and areas regarding the ability of GLBT people to adopt children or perhaps you are drawing attention to the lack of benefits that GLBT people have regarding visiting their spouse in the hospital.

Lastly, you claim that homosexuality is an example of a disorder. This word refers to a state of confusion. I hope you are not referring to my living room! On this application of a descriptive word, I must disagree. The only disorder I see, is your own confusion in somehow thinking that gay marriage will affect your own marriage (if you are indeed married) or society at large.

These explanations are far from what Dr. Mirus actually presents in his article on Catholic Culture. Mirus’s article is instead an attack on gay and lesbians that relentlessly argues that homosexuality is a deficiency, disorder, and a defect. It is a very sad day when a man that purports to be a Catholic, spends his time criticizing and condemning other human beings. It’s intriguing how Dr. Mirus thinks he is worthy to condemn those who were created as homosexuals by God in His image and likeness.

So what does Dr. Mirus present in his article? Here is a very telling excerpt:

He or she must not merely integrate, control and channel sexual inclinations, but must largely deny them altogether, not only in their physical expression, but also in a far broader range of affectivity which is conditioned even in small ways by sexual interplay: Heightened interest, a sense of romance, a special tenderness. It is true that a celibate priest must be very careful of what we might call sexually-tinged affectivity, on the altogether sound theory that one thing leads to another. But the person with persistent homosexual inclinations must suppress or redirect such inclinations to an even greater extent. This is an enormous challenge.

And here is an excerpt from the section where he tries to explain why homosexuality is disordered:

In a cultural vacuum, it ought to be relatively easy to understand intellectually that homosexual inclinations are disordered. It ought to be fairly clear that the sexual faculties are both naturally ordered to the propagation and preservation of the species and supernaturally ordered toward a kind of union among man, woman and child which mirrors the essential fecundity of Divine love. When one notices that one’s own sexual inclinations do not tend toward this sort of union and fecundity—or even this ability to reproduce—then one can perceive a very definite disorder in those inclinations. There may be something one can do to alter them; they may be a very confused set of inclinations which are bound up with past experiences or habits, and so amenable to change as one comes to terms with these experiences or habits. Or there may be no way to eliminate the inclinations at all. Nonetheless, that they are disordered can be intellectually grasped.

Read the entire “analysis” by Dr. Mirus online at Catholic Culture’s website.

Feel free to contact Dr. Mirus with your thoughts at

Gay Catholic Priest to speak at Rally against Pope in London

Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI

Fr. Bernard Lynch, a Roman Catholic Priest in the United Kingdom, is to speak at the “Protest the Pope Rally.” According to a press release sent out announcing the priest’s presence at the rally, Alan Knowles of the Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association’s leadership stated:

“As humanists we welcome the opportunity to work with those from all religions – and none – to protest against the State visit of Pope Benedict who has attacked and undermined LGBT Rights on so many occasions.”

So why is Fr. Lynch protesting against the Supreme Pontiff, Benedict XVI?

Father Lynch says he is still proud to b a Roman Catholic priest, but that he regards the Vatican’s policy regarding HIV/Aids and contraception as “evil and anti-gospel.”

Read the entire release online at UK Gay News.

U.S. Exports: Homophobia UP Civil Rights for All DOWN

Today’s Boise Weekly included an article on how the United States is exporting its “homophobia” to African countries, such as Uganda. This mass export of ideological hatred has resulted in persecution, torture, and death in Uganda. I wonder what Jesus would have to say about this “modified” form of “love the sinner, but not the sin?” Currently, Uganda is considering an anti-homosexuality bill that would mean genocide for gay and lesbian Ugandans.

Of the situation in Uganda, the Boise Weekly writes:

Although homosexuality has been illegal in Uganda since the colonial era, there has been an unprecedented escalation of hatred fueled by Uganda’s pending Anti-Homosexuality Bill of 2009. If passed in its present form, the wide-ranging legislation calls for the death penalty for gays and lesbians who engage in sex and are HIV positive, have committed the offense of homosexuality more than once, have been under the influence of drugs or alcohol during a sexual encounter or one partner has a disability. For other, less “aggravated” offenses, they face life in prison.

The bill also affects heterosexuals. Nongovernmental organizations including human rights, advocacy or aid organizations will be prosecuted if any material or advocacy support is provided to or on behalf of LGBT people. This includes family members, friends, medical professionals and clergy. There will be nowhere to run for Yiga or his friends.

So, how does this impact the United States? Well it just so happens that during an economic downturn, America has another export that conservatives in other parts of the world are grappling to purchase — HOMOPHOBIA. In regards to the Ugandan situation the Boise Weekly explains how the U.S. is exporting its views on homosexuality:

America’s influence in African politics goes back centuries, but this most recent anti-homosexual movement can be traced, in part, to a three-day seminar in Kampala in March 2009 called “Exposing the Truth behind Homosexuality and the Homosexual Agenda.” It was led by Scott Lively–a conservative known for his Holocaust revisionist book, The Pink Swastika, which claims homosexuals founded the Nazi party and were responsible for many death camp atrocities–and fellow evangelicals Caleb Lee Brundidge and Don Schmierer.

Therefore, although IBM, MSFT, ACHN, and other stocks might not be producing the returns you expected this year, you might want to invest in homophobia, because it appears that the demand is up and the supply is for the taking.

It is truly a sad day for religion when it becomes the source of hatred and bigotry. Gay and lesbian people around the world must stand in solidarity with their gay brothers and sisters throughout the world. Queer Faith News (QfN) encourages you to contact the Ugandan Mission to the United Nations and tell them that you will not stand silently while the prospects of genocide wade in the future. You may also want to contact the exporters of hate in the United States and let them know that you would be very supportive of them producing love as an alternative.

Read the entire article on the Boise Weekly’s website.

Glenn Beck is a homophobe… are you hiding something Mr. Beck?

Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck

Today’s Media Matters has an intriguing entry about the now notorious “leader” of the “masses” – Glenn Beck. The posting identifies all of the anti-gay leaders that Beck has surrounded himself with. Who are among the list of Beck “groupies”?

David Barton, Randy Forbes, Richard Land, Chuck Norris, Sarah Palin, and many others.

So what conclusion can we draw from the “friends” Beck has surrounded himself with? That he’s probably a homophobe. Now many of us know that those who are most homophobic, likely have underlying issues which feed their homophobia. I am not drawing any conclusions about Beck, but I do wonder what fears feed his opinion of gay and lesbian people.

Read the entire article on Media Matters.